Thomas Descours joins intuitae’s Brussels office in 2018 as a Director.
After several years in private management at the Transatlantic Bank in Paris, Thomas joins their Belgian office in 2009. In charge of accompanying local clients, most of whom are French, he expands his experience in international wealth management. He then takes on responsibility at Indosuez and Natixis, both in Belgium. For eight years, Thomas develops and formalises his expertise in finding tax and estate solutions to problems concerning Belgian-French wealth management.
During his years in Paris, his mixture of Saint-Étienne and Lyon lead him to trying his hand at acting. Today, he is an actor skilled in improvisation. An active member of the Belgian delegation of the charitable organisation Enfants du Mékong (Children of the Mekong), he organises charitable events that cause him to travel regularly in South-East Asia.